
The following Individuals excelled at Handley and/or excelled after Handley. These are the unsung heroes and the folklore legends; the trailblazers and the keepers of Handley Pride. Everyone ever associated with Handley was eligible: Students, Teachers, Administrators, Coaches, Community Members, and Friends of Handley High School.

Robert Gray Williams - President, Handley Board of Trustees | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Robert Gray Williams – President, Handley Board of Trustees
Charles Manuel Zuckerman '42 | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Charles Manuel Zuckerman ’42
Justice Henry Hudson Whiting '41 | Handley 100th Notable
Justice Henry Hudson Whiting ’41
James R. Wilkins, Jr. | Handley 100th Notable
James R. Wilkins, Jr. ’63
Alicia Cain Wheeling '98 | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Alicia Cain Wheeling ’98
Elyus Wallace | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Elyus Wallace ’00
Andrew Vipperman | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Andrew Vipperman ’95
Sabra Ganoe Veach ’84 | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Sabra Ganoe Veach ’84
Harry Gaylen Strunce - Faculty
Harry Gaylen Strunce – Faculty
Maria Amelia Delgado Carrion Tederick - Faculty
Maria Amelia Delgado Carrion Tedrick – Faculty
Bart Stewart – Faculty
Charles Robert Solenberger '53 | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Charles Robert Solenberger ’53
Harry Seabright Smith '71 | Handley 100th Notable
Harry Seabright Smith ’71
Gerald F. Smith, Jr. '79 | Handley 100th Notable
Gerald F. Smith, Jr. ’79
Claude B. Smalts, Jr '34 | Handley 100th Notable
Claude B. Smalts, Jr ’34
Alson H. Smith, Jr '47 | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Alson H. Smith, Jr ’47
Ralph Shockey '37 | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Ralph Shockey ’37
Elizabeth “Betsy” Carper Sibert '60 | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Elizabeth “Betsy” Carper Sibert ’60
Mary Jane Shumate Shiflet '69 | Handley 100th Notable
Mary Jane Shumate Shiflet ’69
William Shendow '59 | Handley 100th Notable
William Shendow ’59
Otis “Snag” Sargent '26 | Handley 100th Notable
Otis “Snag” Sargent ’26
Wendell Seldon '47 | Handley 100th Notable
Wendell Seldon ’47
Carl Rush '97 | Handley 100th Notable
Carl Rush ’97
Christopher C. Rogers '01 | Handley 100th Notable
Christopher C. Rogers ’01
David Robinson '83 | Handley 100th Notable
David Robinson ’83
James Kenneth Robinson '33 | Handley 100th Notable
James Kenneth Robinson ’33
Freda Bates Roberson '95 | Handley 100th Notable
Freda Bates Roberson ’95
Henrietta Cornwell Ritter '28 | Handley 100th Notable
Henrietta Cornwell Ritter ’28
Wilbur Odell Riley '24 | Handley 100th Notable
Wilbur Odell Riley ’24
Ronald K. Rice - Faculty | Handley 100th Notable
Ronald K. Rice – Faculty
Melvin Rhodes - Faculty | Handley 100th Notable
Melvin Rhodes – Faculty
Lionardo Quezada Guevarab '16 | Handley 100th Notable
Lionardo Quezada Guevara ’16
Garland Redd Quarles - Superintendent | Handley 100th Notable
Garland Redd Quarles – Superintendent
H. Reed Prosser '91 | Handley 100th Notable
H. Reed Prosser ’91
Dr. David W. Powers '75 | Handley 100th Notable
Dr. David W. Powers ’75
Harry Russell Potts Jr. '58 | Handley 100th Notable
Harry Russell Potts Jr. ’58
David Pleacher - Faculty | Handley 100th Notable
David Pleacher – Faculty
Eleanor Gertrude Ritter Peery - Faculty | Handley 100th Notable
Eleanor Gertrude Ritter Peery – Faculty
Harold Patton '39 | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Harold Patton ’39
James Omps '53 | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
James Omps ’53
Charles Hudson Miller '35 | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Charles Hudson Miller ’35
Clint Andrew Nichols '01 | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Clint Andrew Nichols ’01
Lillian Mathews | Handley 100th Notable
Lillian Matthews ’12
Michael McKiernan - Faculty | Handley 100th Notable
Michael McKiernan – Faculty
Charles Edward Manuel '49 | Handley 100th Notable
Charles Edward Manuel ’49
Britani Myers Marvin '12 | Handley 100th Notable
Britani Myers Marvin ’12
Ron Lindon - Faculty | Handley 100th Notable
Ron Lindon – Faculty
Hunter J. Maddex - Faculty | Handley 100th Notable
Hunter J. Maddex – Faculty
Gaven Largent '14 | Handley 100th Notable
Gaven Largent ’14
Shelly Lee Faculty | Handley 100th Notable
Shelly Lee – Faculty
Katharine “Kitty” Clark Kersey '53 | Handley 100th Notable
Katharine “Kitty” Clark Kersey ’53
Richard “Dick” Kern '38 | Handley 100th Notable
Richard “Dick” Kern ’38
Jacob Lee Johnson | Handley 100th Notable
Jacob L. Johnson – Superintendent
Vernon Douglas Joyner '78 | Handley 100th Notable
Vernon Douglas Joyner ’78
Jon William
Jon William “Scott” Hofstedt ’87
Dave Holliday '67 | Handley 100th Notable
Dave Holliday ’67
Mary McKenzie Henkel '27 | Handley 100th Notable
Mary McKenzie Henkel ’27
Elizabeth Halvosa Hart '49 | Handley 100th Notable
Elizabeth Halvosa Hart ’49
Nicole Haston ’02 | Handley 100th Notable
Nicole Haston ’02
Jerry A. Headley ’56 | Handley 100th Notable
Jerry A. Headley ’56
Benjamin Grove'10 | Handley 100th Notable
Benjamin Grove ’10
Boyd F.
Boyd F. “Bodie” Grim ’46
George Glossner - Faculty | Handley 100th Notable
George Glossner – Faculty
Sheryl Chris Garber '75 | Handley 100th Notable
Sheryl Chris Garber ’75
Donald Finley ’73 | Handley 100th Notable
Donald Finley ’73
Michael M. Foreman '59 | Handley 100th Notable
Michael M. Foreman ’59
Ambassador William A. Eaton ’71 | Handley 100th Notable
Ambassador William A. Eaton ’71
Kara Dixon '10 | Handley 100th Notable
Kara Dixon ’10
Clark Andrew Dixon, Jr. ’67 | Handley 100th Notable
Clark Andrew Dixon, Jr. ’67
James L. “Jimmy” Dix '59 - Handley 100th Notable
James L. “Jimmy” Dix ’59
Charlotte Dehart '25 | Handley 100th Notable
Charlotte DeHart ’25
Barry Deuel (Community Member) – Handley 100th Notable
Barry Deuel – Community Member
Zebulun Davenport ’85 | Handley 100th Notable
Zebulun Davenport ’85
Damon DeArment ’86 | Handley 100th Notable
Damon DeArment ’86
Candace Davenport ’82
Nancy Crosby ’26
George Craig, Jr. '41 | Handley 100th Notable
George Craig, Jr. ’41
Kevin Covert ’88
Elizabeth Comstock ’78 | Handley 100th Notable
Elizabeth Comstock ’78
Wayne Coffman ’76 | Handley 100th Notable
Wayne Coffman ’76
Mifflin Clowe ’37 | Handley 100th Notable
Mifflin Clowe ’37
Gary Chrisman ’69 | Handley 100th Notable
Gary Chrisman ’69
Cameron Casasanta ’05 | Handley 100th Notable
Cameron Casasanta ’05
Mary Carson ’43 | Handley 100th Notable
Mary Carson ’43
Betty H. Carroll ’55 | Handley 100th Notable
Betty H. Carroll ’55
Lewis B. Campbell ’64 | Handley 100th Notable
Lewis B. Campbell ’64
Kristi Campbell ’08 | Handley 100th Notable
Kirsti Campbell ’08
Lang Campbell ’00 | Handley 100th Notable
Lang Campbell ’00
Shep Campbell ’68 | Handley 100th Notable
Shep Campbell ’68
Elizabeth Kellas Burton '81 | Handley 100th Notable
Elizabeth Kellas Burton ’81
Neil Randolph Bryant ’72 | Handley 100th Notable
Neil Randolph Bryant ’72
Kendra Brown '98 | Handley 100th Notable
Kendra Brown ’98
Taylor Beard '19 | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Taylor Beard ’19
Stewart Bell, Jr '28 | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Stewart Bell, Jr ’28
ohn Stephen Bauserman '63 | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
John Stephen Bauserman ’63
Miss Virginia M. Barr | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Miss Virginia M. Barr ’22
Tom Carr Baker | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
Thomas Carr Baker ’56
Halford “Red” Baker ’38
LA Anderson | Handley 100th Anniversary Notable
LA Anderson ’05

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